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Panorama of contemporary art in Uruguay

To the research that is being developed on the multiple local artistic scenes, fundamental elements for its interpretation, diffusion and contextualization are added. The systematization of these resources, either from a statistical, theoretical or analytical point of view, enables in their summation present and future readings of the meaning that it is producing. Each stage of these studies and proposals, as Vigo said, help to sow the memory so that the forgetting does not grow on a collective and diverse construct that is not necessarily visible in its entirety.

A la investigacion que se viene desarrollando sobre las multiples escenas artisticas locales, se suman elementos fundamentales para su interpretacion, difusion y contextualziacion. La sistematizacion de estos recursos, ya sea desde un punto de vista estadistico, teorico o analitico habilita en su sumatoria lecturas presentes y futuras del significado que esta produciendo. Cada etapa de estos estudios y propuestas, como dijera Vigo, ayudan a sembrar la memoria para que no crezca el olvido sobre un constructo colectivo y diverso que no necesariamente se visibiliza en su totalidad.  

Full text here.

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